Local development and Deployment

This guide outlines the steps to install and deploy the Workflomics web platform, a comprehensive solution implemented in TypeScript for bioinformatics workflow benchmarking.

Development Setup


  • Ensure you have a Postgres database and Postgrest API set up and running. For a complete setup using Docker, refer to the Deployment section below.

Environment Configuration:

  1. Create a .env file in the project directory and configure the proxy endpoints:


Installing Dependencies:

  1. Install the required modules for the front-end:

    npm install

Running the Front-End:

  1. To start the front-end in development mode, run:

    npm start


Back-End Services:

  1. Setup:

    • Copy docker-compose.yml to the server.

    • Create a .env file in the same directory and configure the necessary variables:

      WF_DATA_DIR=<data directory>
    • Note: Ports are currently hard-coded in docker-compose.yml.

  2. Starting Services:

    • To start the database, API, and RestAPE, execute:

      docker compose --env-file .env up -d
    • To remove the containers, run:

      docker compose down

Nginx Configuration:

  • The front-end requires a reverse proxy, for which Nginx can be used. A sample Nginx configuration is available in the nginx folder. Ensure it points to the correct back-end services and is symlinked from /etc/nginx/sites-available to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

Building and Deploying the Front-End:

  1. Build Application:

    • Ensure you’re on the correct branch and have incorporated all desired changes. Build an optimized version of the application with:

      npm run build
    • This command generates the application in the build directory, ready for static serving.

  2. Serving Application:

    • For serving with Nginx, copy the contents of the build/ directory to the Nginx serving directory, e.g., /var/www/workflomics.org/.

This guide provides a comprehensive approach to both developing and deploying the Workflomics platform, ensuring a smooth setup for your bioinformatics workflow benchmarking needs.